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Donation Partners & Payment

We passionately support worthy causes. Please take a look at the projects close to our hearts. To donate, click on an image to be taken to the organization's donation portal. Thank you for being a force for good!


Suggested Donations

  • First 30-minute session is free.

  • Suggest donations are $50 for an hour of coaching. 

  • Please email us for multi-session packages and suggested donation pricing. 

A) Yayasan Anak Unik School

(The "donate" button on their school's website will open PayPal, a secure payment program to make your donation)

Anak Unik is "special child" in Indonesian. Anak Unik School is a privately run school for children with developmental and physical disabilities in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. In a place where children with developmental, learning, and physical challenges have few resources for education and growth, Anak Unik School has created a positive atmosphere for these children and teens to grow, learn life skills, and transition into adulthood safely. Anak Unik is helping their students achieve independence as contributing members of their families, and promoting their inclusion within local communities. You can learn more about them at their website here.

If you want to see current information about the school please go to their Facebook Page 

Anak Unik Ortando Photo.jpg

C) Ortando and Son LLC

The link will open up Square, a secure payment site. 

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